The experience of wearing dentures has improved enormously over the years. Modern techniques mean that dentures now fit more comfortably than they used too, plus they look very realistic too.
Dentures are helpful in ensuring that the gap left by your missing teeth does not affect your eating habits or your pronunciation and speech. They also can help to give a more natural appearance to the face, filling it out and helping to support other areas of the face. Dentures can increase your self-esteem as well as enhance your smile.
Dentures can be full or partial. A full, or complete denture as it is also known, is one that replaces all the teeth at the top or the bottom of your mouth. A partial denture is one that fills spaces left by missing teeth.
There are different types of partial dentures available, these are acrylic dentures, chrome dentures or flexible dentures. Your dentist will advise you which of these are suitable for your mouth. The type of denture which is suitable will depend on the existing health of your mouth and the number of teeth you have remaining.
Dentures are made so that they fit snugly over your gums and are one of a range of options for missing teeth.
If your dental team have recommended that you have dentures fitted, the next step will be to take measurements of your mouth, along with an impression – which is a mould of your mouth. From this, your dentures will be made so that they fit your mouth perfectly. Our dentists will advise you as to how to care for your dentures so that they remain in good condition. Provided you treat them correctly, they should last you for a number of years.
Our dentists can provide information and advice on whether dentures would be suitable for you. They can also provide general advice on denture maintenance. To find out more, simply call them on 01707 263270.